Isaiah 43:18-19 forget the former things and do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not see it?
You can’t drive life’s road without sometimes hitting bumps like regrets, disappointments, and tragedies. When you do, it’s easy to get stuck there, gazing back into your rearview mirror at the past.
But God wants you to move on toward the future He has planned for you. It’s a future filled with hope – but to get there, you’ve got to turn your focus forward and look through the windshield at the road ahead.
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you mentally take those past experiences and lay them in trust at the foot of the cross for Jesus to handle. Acknowledge that holding onto the past is sin because it keeps you from obeying God’s call to move on. Make whatever changes you need to make in your life to reinforce your decision. Surround yourself with people who support your decision to move on. Seek God with all your heart and be excited about His plans for you