– God Does What We Cannot Do
This book is the dirt, the grime of how we feel at times. Yes, as a Christian 13 years after getting saved and getting into ministry, the times when we feel like a failure, hopeless, confused, and times when we are on the mountaintop feeling like Rocky after he defeated the Russian!

– Be Reminded
We need reminded of what we already know. I’m not sure about you, but I need reminded often because I forget. I get distracted. Many things are going on in my life, and sometimes I get caught up in the drama or the busyness or my selfishness. I sure do need reminded.
In 2 Peter 1:12, Peter writes, Therefore, I will always remind you of these things, even though you already know them and are standing firm in the truth you have been taught.
This is a book of reminders – things you probably already know or have heard, but maybe you forgot or you got distracted.
Be reminded of how good our God is. Be reminded of what He has told you to do. Be reminded of how much He loves you!

Be Rekindled
This small devotional book has been written on napkins, small scrap pieces of paper and in the back of my Bible over the years before being compiled into book form. I pray it will encourage you and challenge you in your walk with Jesus Christ and that you would be rekindled in your life as I have been in mine to be the best we can be as Christians, shining God’s light into a crazy world.