Being disappointed that my wife called 911 to bring me back from an overdose, to save my life, was the emptiest I’ve ever felt. My addiction controlled my every move, my wife and my kids. It had me do things I never would think of doing. My addiction landed my wife and I homeless and doing things that made me want to die. That’s why I was so upset she brought me back when she did. Shortly after my daughter was born, I signed her away to my In-Laws. My wife was in jail, and I was by myself running the streets. Ever since I was a kid, I told myself I would have the family I never had. The family I always wanted was short lived. All I ever wanted was a loving family of my own. I slowly gave it away freely and willingly because of my addiction. I was sent to Family Care Ministries through my probation officer because I failed a drug test. I was open to it because I was hoping it would bring my family back. I was introduced to God and my whole life changed. I was told to pray, so I prayed for God to bring me my son, Zander, and my wife so we could get the help that we needed. A few weeks later, my wife and son walked through the front door. Ever since that moment I knew God was real and my relationship with Him has grown along with my faith. In the short amount of time that I have given my life to Jesus, He has given back everything that I gave away. Not only restoring my relationship with my wife and kids, but He introduced me to a much bigger family and that’s the family I have here at Family Care. Today I know God didn’t let me die because I have a purpose in life. Today I get to be a father and husband. Today I get to have a relationship with Jesus even though I turned my back on Him. He has raised me from my own hell and continues to love me and answer my prayers even if it’s with a wait. Today I am an overcomer!