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Psalm 46:10 says be still and know that I am God!

This verse is actually more of a wake-up call to be in awe than a call to rest. Taking time out of our day to meditate on Scripture and be silent with listening ears toward God is mentioned in other sections of Scripture too (Psalm 119:5, Joshua 1:8, Luke 5:16). But this command is written in the context of a time of trouble and war. We should break down the verse with that context in mind.

The command for ourselves could read more like: snap out of it. wake up, stop fearing, acknowledge who your God is, be in awe! It is good to see that there’s nothing wrong with the words in the translation. Those words are not incorrect, it is just helpful to know what was going on when this was written. Verse 10 has something to say to both the enemies of God and the people of God, but it is the people of God the psalm is written to. God commands stillness and silence. Why? The people of God were fearful and scared often. They needed to remember who their God is. We don’t need to fear the end of our life even in the midst of battle because we’re going to that city; we’re going to Zion one day. We will dwell with God and there will be no more wars, no pain, and no end (Rev. 21). We don’t need to fear what the world can do; we need to remember who our God is and we need to share that knowledge with others.

Where do you have fear in your life in the midst of battles?

Where do you get anxious and let your emotions control you?

Gods command to us in the midst of life greatest trial is to be in awe of who He is, what He’ll do, and the victory He gives! Today, quiet your mind, your phone, your tv and get alone with God. It won’t take long seeking the Lord that you will begin to become awestruck!

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