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When I came to Family Care Ministries, it was a variety of reasons. However, the most important one was to find myself. I was so caught up in life – I lost me. I was a single mother of two, worked full-time, and later in life a caregiver to my parents.

My children grew up, went away to college and both got jobs 7 1/2 hours away. I had put my entire being into running from one sporting event to another, checking homework, being a nurse, and working a 40hr week. My children were blessed and found love, they got married and had children. I found myself living for visits with my children. If I went to visit for a week, I would find myself getting depressed the day before I was to leave. The day I left I would cry most of the trip home, so thank goodness I wasn’t the one driving. I’d be depressed for a couple days; make plans for the next visit and “get by” until then.

Then my parent’s health began to slide. I had one in Steubenville and one in Chester. My days were taken up with their daily visits. Coming here I was eventually able to find myself, put everything in order, set boundaries and live the life God intended.

I was so blessed by being here when my parents passed. Family Care Ministries is for everyone, dealing with anything, finding yourself, dealing with grief, helping with addiction, counseling for family members, the list goes on, it is truly endless, and a true blessing from God.